List Of 14 Topic Ideas For Your Undergraduate Dissertation On Psychology

Writing a dissertation is a necessary step for those who want to get an undergraduate-level degree in psychology. This academic project isn’t as serious as a postgraduate paper, but you still should give some serious thought to completing the task. This is your chance to demonstrate your critical thinking skills and your ability to research all possible sources and effectively combine information taken therefrom. Moreover, it is a unique opportunity to pick any narrow topic in your area of interest and explore it thoroughly in your piece of writing.

How to Select a Topic for an Undergraduate Dissertation on Psychology

You are usually not supposed to do original research in your undergraduate thesis. Instead, you should carefully analyze how other scholars interpret the topic, derive some common and different ideas, and come up with your own interpretation. Considering this, you have a vast choice of suitable ideas for your paper. All you need to do is to choose the topic that you have a passion for, or that you want to learn more about.

It’s also desirable that the topic of your interest be researchable, e.g. discussed in a variety of credible sources. Fortunately, the majority of psychology issues have been analyzed repeatedly and you won’t lack relevant background for your research. If you have no worthy ideas for your undergraduate paper, pick any broad psychology branch (e.g. cognitive, abnormal, developmental, social psychology, etc.) and read recent publications related to the field. Undoubtedly, you’ll come up with a couple of interesting ideas. The following list can be useful as well.

Inspiring Dissertation Topic Ideas on Psychology

  1. What are the alternative ways of treating obsessive-compulsive disorders?

  2. Does the use of social networking sites provoke the development of narcissism in teenagers?

  3. How do regular car drivers perceive other road users?

  4. Do people in different emotional states perceive pain differently?

  5. Are different phobias treated differently? How does the choice of therapeutic methods depend on the phobia type?

  6. Why do patients with schizophrenia experience mainly auditory hallucinations?

  7. Impulsive decisions versus rational decisions: how are they made?

  8. Are introverts or extroverts more inclined to commit suicide? Why?

  9. How do colors affect memory?

  10. How are numbers processed in different cultures and why?

  11. How do children perceive strangers?

  12. How can the knowledge of students’ learning styles be used to improve their achievements?

  13. How have the attitudes towards mentally ill people changed over the years and why?

  14. Why do people believe in paranormal phenomena?